Developed Downtown: Mitch Carter and the Moore Studio Heritage

If you've spent any time in downtown Jackson, or had a drink at The Downtown Tavern, you’re probably familiar with Moore Studio — and more importantly, Mr. Carter. I first met Mitch Carter when I had just moved to West Tennessee. I was young and impressionable and Mr. Carter most definitely made an impression on me. He could charm the venom out of a copperhead, entice the stoic to giggle and cut up, and make the most trepidatious about having photos done feel presidential when he was finished making their portrait.

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Living a Legacy: Juanita Jones

When you walk in the door of the Keep My Hood Good building, you are greeted with a wall covered in framed photographs of smiling children. I had only gotten a few steps in the building before she was telling me stories of students who had overcome and succeeded. She beamed as she told me about how one student had graduated high school and chosen to enlist in the military and was thriving.

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Legacy: An Origin Story

When we arrive for lunch, Virginia Conger has already set three places at the table with a brilliant white linen tablecloth, and she quickly scrambles to create a fourth place set for the extra guest I’ve brought along with me. She mentions that during Bob’s career she never knew if he would be bringing one person or ten people to dinner each night, and how glad she is for the company these days.

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