Creating Belonging

Our second baby, Eliza Joy, changed our lives the moment she entered our world in March of 2020. I will never forget looking over every detail and searching for clues the first time I held her in my arms. She had a head of dark hair, full cheeks, and an extra 21st chromosome. I was convinced as I took in all of her beautiful features, especially her almond shaped eyes, wide gap between her toes, and adorable little ears. Eliza was born with Trisomy 21, or Down Syndrome.

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Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship: The First Year

It was partly selfish. Admittedly, I wanted to feel closer to home. Reflecting back, I wanted to reconnect with a meaningful period of life in a place I loved. Like many folks sprouting a few gray hairs, I felt like I could offer a bit of advice to the generation just behind me. The blank spaces in our daily schedules during the 2020-2021 COVID year(s) provided a moment to brainstorm about how we could build on the Jackson Grown series started in 2017 and published in Our Jackson Home magazine.

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Yielding Growth: Trunetta Atwater

As I parked in the lot in front of the depot last week and stood in front of the big green doors I have seen so many times before, this place felt different. The outside looks much the same, but the way it made me feel was unfamiliar. Something is happening inside those walls that drew me in and the whole place feels very much alive. There is a purpose, really a person, behind that energy. A woman has put feet to a dream, and our whole community has a front row seat to watch her dream unfold.

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