MEET heather larsen
Heathe moved to Jackson at age eleven and is a product of the public school system having graduated from Northside High School in 2004 and Union University in 2008. She served as a volunteer Young Life leader through college dedicating Monday evenings to leading and mentoring students.
Since graduating from Union she has lived and worked in the western US. She currently lives in Utah and is one of the most recognized professional slackliners in the world. She has been a committed supporter of the Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship since Day 1.
As a “professional risk-taker” Heather speaks to the Fellows about what its like to take risks, what it requires of a person and how we cab maybe change our traditional perceptions of risk from something scary to something that can be enjoyed and conquered. She also works in financial services technology helping enroll new clients. A great blend of her background in economics, finance and her love of people.
“I have a different way of doing things: I don’t walk the same lines.”
“I'm as normal as normal gets. . . . I guess the only thing that is different about me is that I was willing to start something new and fall a lot—literally—until I didn’t anymore.”
This hesitancy to start, aversion to fall, and over-embracing of the conventional serve as all too easy-to-erect barriers to reach beyond the known. These barriers can guard us from entering spaces where we can discover, test, and refine, as Heather has done, our uniquely powerful contributions to the families, schools, communities, or cities where we find ourselves.
It is this realm of perceived risk or discomfort that we often fear most. For Heather, more so than any geography, this beautifully chaotic space is her true home.