MEET greg perry jr.
Greg has served as a social worker and case manager in Jackson since 2005. He has a unique perspective on the needs and challenges in the area. He is also driven by hope. Hope in people. Hope in the community. Hope for the future.
In his day job he works as an Intensive Probation Officer with Madison County Juvenile Court in Jackson. After graduating from Jackson-Central Merry High School in 2003, he worked for a number of years and ultimately earned a Masters in Social Work from Union University to compliment a Bacheors degree in Social Work.
His career has spanned areas including the Department of Children's Services, foster parent agencies, and juvenile court. Importantly, he has also worked at the strategic level exaimning the roots of the local social challenges that he faced on a daily basis through his earlier work.
Greg also always has a smile on his face, an infectious laugh and a compliment ready to go for anyone he meets. He is a gift to the community and the world.
Greg’s expertise, leadership and passions: #mentalhealth #juvenilesustice #socialwork #humanrights #youthprograms
At the 2022 March Monthly Meeting, Greg helps Tim Branch think through some of the things he would like to help address in the community.
“the Jackson Grown leader fellowship is a testament to the value of community and public schools. The relationship we formed while we were in school are lifelong. It's because of these connections, we are committed to serving the community, knowing the benefits other people can gain from it.”
- Greg Perry Jr.
What’s your favorite book?
““The Four Agreements”. You’ve got to read it.”
What’s your favorite song or type of music?
“Hmm, thats a good one. I’ve got to say all types of hip hop. Also, I really like the Isley Brothers.”
There’s a lot of movies out there, but if you had to pick one…what would it be?
“Haha, man…100% Forest Gump.”
You’ve spent pretty much your whole life in Jackson. What is one of your favorite memories growing up?
“Going to the mall in the mid 90's to early 2000's. Cyberstation was my favorite place.”
Who would you say is the most inspirational person you’ve ever met?
“Undoubtedly my Dad. He is my hero.”
Life is an adventure. What has been the greatest adventure you have had?
“You’re right. For me, it would be the journey of becoming a devoted husband and father.”
There are challenges that everyone faces. Some are hidden and some are more visible. What are some of the issuess and challenges you are particularly passionate about addressing?
“Mental health is a big one. This topic has been so neglected across our community and society. Unfortunately, for far too long, there has been a big stigma around people who experience mental health challenges. Without a doubt, we all have the same sorts of battles when in comes to mental health. The battles that we face within inside us, many times manifest outwardly. We need to be more sensitive to that in our community and our society.”
Greg introduces himself at September Monthly Meeting of the 2022-2023 school year.