meet gavin slaughter
Gavin is representing Madison Academic High School. As a Senior Fellow with the Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship. Gavin is particularly interested in math and business as well as physical education and sports. He has a range of different skills both as a coodinator and teammate. He is a person who can spark new approaches to problems and negotiate paths to addressing them. He is passionate about karate and trains year-round.
In the future Gavin would like to work as a land surveyor and go to collage to get a degree in both surveying and business. He has an entrepreneurial mindset and is also open to starting his own surveying company. Being the multi-talented person that he is, he could also imagine being an instructor of either traditional or conventional martial arts and would eventually like to have his own martial arts school. Besides the professions and ventures, Gavin understands well what it means to a range of interests. He is interested in diving into different branches of the stock and bond markets as a way to diversify his income and learning more about the field of trading.
Gavin’s community interests: #communitydevelopment #equalopportunity
Gavin’s leadership, expertise and skills: #coordination #ideacreator #negotiator #teammember
Gavin Slaughter introduces himself at the first Monthly Meeting of the 2022-2023 Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship
Sydnee Cole Junior Fellow representing Liberty Technology High School, Gavin Slaugher Senior Fellow representing Madison Academic High School, and Jacob Porch Senior Fellow representing South Side High School listen to Crew Member and Mentor Carita Cole speak about taking risks and how manage some of the rears around making a big jump.
At Monthly Meeting 4, Senior Fellow Gavin Slaughter discusses possible issues he could explore and present at the Challenge to the City.
Senior Fellow Gavin Slaughter presents the complex interrelatedness of teen depression and drug abuse at Monthly Meeting 5.