meet tim branch
Tim is leading the charge in carrying the Jackson Central Merry High School legacy forward. Together with his Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship colleague Jocelyn Gargus, they made us rethink the structure of the program. As the only Junior Fellows in the First Class of the Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship, we couldn’t imagine not having them join us again as Seniors this year. Tim’s participation in the group and leadership, even as a Junior Fellow, provided a solid foundation for the the program to grow.
Tim enjoys classes in both language arts and vocational studies. Tim is involved in band and is passionate about music. In the future, he wants to pursue a career in music. Whether as a musician, advertising manager or sound stage director, he comes to life playing, performing and working around music.
Tim’s interests for addressing community challenges: #youthprograms #costofliving #pay
Tim’s leadership, expertise and skills: #coordinator
2022 Challenge to the City
Expanding Horizons: Promoting Opportunities for Growth Among Youth
Distinguished Senior Fellow Tim Branch representing Jackson Central Merry High School introduces himself to the 2022-2023 Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship. Tim is one of the first two the Fellows to complete the full two year program after the inagural 2021-2022 Class.
Tim Branch at the 2022 Jackson Grown Challenge to the City. Tim is joined by other Fellows from the first class of the Jackson Grown Leader Fellowship including (left to right Pautez Freeman (Liberty High School), Jennifer Wyatt (South Side High School), Jocelyn Gargus (Jackson Central merry High School), Amiriah Springs (Madison Academic High School) and Kevin Hicks (JCM Early College High). Tim spoke about the need to find ways to help youth become more aware of opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities.