meet sam tilleros
Sam Tilleros is a born coach. He is passionate about guiding others through journeys. Whether that journey is a cross country race across a course or a track or through a field of ideas, Sam’s element is taking steps with individuals as they find their footing and catch their strides.
Sam is a graduate of Madison Academic High School. He went on to gradaute from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a degree in history and is the aurthor of a renowned blog on running and coaching. Sam is champion for the lessons that running, both literally and metaphorically, can play in an individual’s life. Whether a cross-country race or a journey of education, he takes pride in helping others cross the finish line with pride.
Sam’s expertise, leadership and passions: #coaching #teaching #writing #runnning #youthprograms
“Every kid in Jackson deserves to know and be proud of where they come from.”
What’s your favorite book?
“The Courting of Marcus Dupree by Willie Morris”
What’s your favorite song or type of music?
“Classic country”
There’s a lot of movies out there, but if you had to pick one…what would it be?
You’ve spent pretty much your whole life in Jackson. What is one of your favorite memories growing up?
“Attending and running cross country and track for Madison Academic Magnet High School. Those years changed my life.”
Who would you say is the most inspirational person you’ve ever met?
“My father. He taught me to care about the stories of others and lead all people to truth.”
Life is an adventure. What has been the greatest adventure you have had?
“Marriage to my lovely wife Holly has been my greatest adventure so far.”
What is a social cause or an issue in society that you are particularly passionate about?
“Equal access to sports and educational opportunities for every kid. Sports and education transform lives. When every kid has good teachers and coaches, the world will be a better place.”
Though it might not look like it at fist glance, Jackson has some incredible stories to share. What has the community meant to you?
“Every goal I want to achieve in my life started somewhere on the streets or fields in and around Jackson, TN. Weather writing stories, coaching runners, building friendships, or overcoming obstacles, living in Jackson taught me how to do it. Jackson can seem like an out of the way spot on a map. Yet some of the greatest contributors to society come from out of the way places. Every kid in Jackson deserves to know and be proud of where they come from. I know I am. I am excited to help other young Jacksonians develop personally and growth the broader Jackson community.”